Our work

We tackle issues from climate change to conflict prevention, guided by our pivotal research in numerous thematic areas.

We aim to empower pastoralist communities and their institutions to play a full role in their own development. Read more about the areas we work in below.

We work for healthy and productive animals

We find ways to mitigate the effect climate change has on food security and livelihoods

We collaborate with organisations to deliver training, conduct research and run workshops to address resource-based conflict

We work with partners to empower women and help change attitudes to women’s participation in the economy and public life

We respond to new and ongoing events and provide aid to keep communities going

We deliver workshops in animal husbandry and agriculture to help people built sustainable livelihoods

We engage youth both in the Horn of Africa and the UK to enhance our work

We ensure communities are able access to vital resources to enable them to grow

We deliver workshops and training to communities to allow them to build a self sustainable future