Gender equality and women’s empowerment

We work with partners to empower women and help change attitudes to women’s participation in the economy and public life.

The pastoral and agro-pastoral sector is heavily dependent upon the input of women who are usually left out of statistics and decision-making. We work with partners to empower women and help change attitudes to women’s participation in the economy and public life.

What we do

Gender equality

The promotion of gender equality among the pastoral and agro-pastoral communities is key for our works where we closely work with both men and women to ensure their basic human rights respected and get fair access to resources.

Women in governance

Women’s fair share of participation in the local and national development and political agendas can promote effective governance.

Women’s economic empowerment

The economic empowerment of women in society improves households income, livelihoods as well as ensures their role in their communities.

Latest developments